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Brackets formula in Excel with example

Brackets play a crucial role in controlling calculations and organizing data. There are three types of brackets commonly used in Excel:

  1. Round Brackets (Parentheses):

    • Order of Operations: Round brackets prioritize the evaluation of the contents within them. Following the BODMAS rule (Brackets, Orders, Division and Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction), Excel knows which operations to perform first.
    • Function Arguments: Round brackets enclose function arguments, allowing users to provide necessary inputs for functions. For example, in the formula =SUM(A1:A10), the range A1:A10 is enclosed in round brackets to specify the arguments to be summed.
  2. Square Brackets:

    • Referencing External Workbooks: Square brackets are used to reference external workbooks or sheets. For instance, =[WorkbookName]SheetName!A1 refers to cell A1 in a different workbook.
    • Structured References within Excel Tables: When working with Excel tables, square brackets help create structured references. Example: =[TableName][ColumnName].
  3. Curly Brackets:

    • Array Formulas: Curly brackets are used in array formulas. They allow performing calculations across multiple cells. Example: {=SUM(A1:A10*B1:B10)}.

Benefits of Using Brackets in Excel:

  • Accurate Calculations
  • Enhanced Data Analysis
  • Optimized Spreadsheet Organization

Remember, mastering the application of brackets will help you streamline data analysis and optimize your Excel experience!

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